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Saturday, October 1, 2011

James 4:4-5

"Adulterers and adulteresses!  Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?  Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.  Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, "The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealousy"? 
                                   choosing faithfulness
Are James’ readers literally adulteresses?  Throughout the Old Testament, the people of God are referred to as God’s “bride”.  The purpose of marriage is not to engage, and then turn affections elsewhere. Marriage is not a list of “do not” rules.  Marriage is for procreation, and for the benefit and enjoyment of both parties.  In a truly loving relationship, the heart is captivated, and devotion is chosen.  This is the picture given to reflect God’s love for you and me.  If we accept and receive that love and that commitment, it is only reasonable that faithfulness be expected.
Is it any surprise God does not want us to ask for things that offer only temporary satisfaction and long term degradation?  It would be illogical for Him to affirm my flirtations with the things that draw my love away from Him and make it difficult for me to receive His love.  And if I claim to belong to God, but I long for and pursue things that lead me away from Him, I commit spiritual adultery.  If the Spirit of God yearns over me jealously, it is not the sort of petty self-serving jealously I am so familiar with in myself.  His is a jealousy directed at the things that would draw my love and satisfaction away from its proper, safe, healthy good place—with Him!
                Again, I quote S.J.Hill, “The revelation of the Lord’s love and His enjoyment of our lives will also awaken in us the ability to love and enjoy Him.  The more we enjoy Him, the easier it will be to obey Him.  Obedience that is born out of the revelation of His deep affection for us always produces the strongest commitment.”[1] 
How committed are you to the lover of your soul?  If you sense a lack here, the answer probably is not to muster up all your willpower, or get motivated by fear or hype.  The answer is relationship.  How do you do relationship with people?  This really isn’t that different, except that it is even better because the other party not only has your best interest in mind, He has the power and the grace to accomplish it.  Spend time today contemplating God’s beautiful creation, His exquisite expressions of love in Jesus, and the fact that He has given you the opportunity and invitation to belong to Him, fully and always.
Read and Pray:  Jer. 32:37-41, Psalm 23, 2 Thess. 1:11-12

[1] Ibid., p.109

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