Trekking through the Scriptures is an adventure. Feel free to comment here, or email me personally.

Monday, October 17, 2011

A theme Verse

So Be It
“A-a-a-men. Hallelujah!  A-a-a-men.  Hallelujah!  A-a-men. Amen. Amen.  Do you know what “amen” means?   It is so.  So be it. Verily.  Truly.  We end our prayers with Amen.  Literally, it would be an acknowledgement of God’s ability to transform the prayers for His will into the reality of His will.  After taking stock of how you are doing spiritually, you might have a better idea of what you would like to be a reality of God’s will in your life.  Do you need to grow in patience, humility, grace, self-control, perseverance, thankfulness…? 
            One of the beauties of being a part of God’s family, is that we are not alone.  Others who are also pursuing Jesus—in truth, not just word—will sincerely desire your good growth, and can walk alongside for both encouragement and help.  A tradition we began a few years ago was praying specific verses for each of those who attend our Bible study.  We would love to be doing that again, so now we want each of you to choose at least one verse that relates to an area in which you desire to grow. 
            List some verses that speak to “how you are doing spiritually”.  Write them on some note cards place them where you will see and read them often.  Choose one that you would like us to be praying for you, and we will do just that.  J
The verses which especially speak to where I am right now:

The verse I would like others to be praying for me is:
Read and Pray:  (you decide!)

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