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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

James 4:13-16

"Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit"; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow.  For what is your life?  It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.  Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord will, we shall live and do this or that."  but now you boast in your arrogance.  All such boast is evil.
                                           if the Lord wills
There are those who do not believe God is an involved, caring presence in their lives.  It is natural for them to make plans and speak just as is written in these verses.  “I” plays lead role, always takes center stage, and tries to dictate all other factors.  Yet even an atheist recognizes events and happenings are often beyond an individual’s control.  Consider the impact of an accident, illness, or death.  The question for a Christ follower is this; will you make your plans with an arrogant attitude, aloof to God and His involvement in your life?
But wait, did the disciples each say, “If the Lord wills we will do thus and such…” every time they made a plan?  If we reduce these verses to saying a few key words we miss the point entirely.  Anyone can say words and not really mean what they say, or say a set of words so often and without thinking to the point that the words are little more than recited sounds.  I believe the heart of what James is saying here is that Christians ought to have a Christ-centered mindset.  That mindset will affect every aspect of our lives; even our business affairs and planning.
Yes, we do need to plan, but the plan is submitted to God both for ‘permission’ and for ‘care’.  The ‘permission’ aspect ties into the surrounding passages where James addresses words, wealth, activities and principles.  Is your plan in line with the law of Love?  If not, it is doubtful you have ‘permission’ even if the world is shouting “Go for it!”  The ‘care’ part of this is built in to our understanding of God and His character.  Do you know Him well enough to know that He has your best interest in mind?  Do you know Him well enough to trust Him to meet your real needs?  Do you know Him well enough to believe that even when things do not go according to plan He can and will use it for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes?  Do you know Him well enough to know that if you run away from Him, He will do everything possible—except violate your free will—to draw you to Himself? 
If you really know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you know it is not only wise, but it is safe to [either verbally or non-verbally] say with all your heart, “If the Lord wills…”
Read and Pray:  Proverbs 27:1, Luke 12:16-21, Psalm 39:4-7

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