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Thursday, October 13, 2011

James 5:16b-18

             "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit."
                                                        prayer of faith  [1]
What is “the prayer of faith”?  Is it the faith of the sick person?  Or of the one(s) praying for him?  Some would say, “A true prayer of faith, always includes within it a tacit acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty in all matters; that it is God’s will that must be done.  And it is clear that it is by no means always God’s will to heal those who are ill.  Therefore, the ‘faith’ that is the indispensable condition for our prayers for healing to be answered—this faith being the gift of God—can be truly present only when it is God’s will to heal.”[2]
Is God somehow limited by human involvement, (or lack thereof), and behavior?  What if He wants to do a spiritual healing work in the process,  but His time line and the journey may not resemble what we have in mind?  Will we jump ship or embrace His work on earth, in people?
1.       God chose to work on earth through people.   Adam received the responsibility of  watchman/guardian of earth and of representing God.(Gen.2:15,Ps.8:3-8,Ps.115:16)
2.       Adam was comparable to or similar to God….God was recognized in Adam, which meant that Adam “carried the weight” here on earth. The earth was Adam’s assignment. And how things went, for better or worse depended on Adam and his offspring.  Adam’s authority was so complete that he had the ability to give it away to another. When Adam sinned, he did just that and God was no longer recognized in fallen humanity.  (Gen.3,Luke 4:6-7, John 12:31)
3.       Jesus took that authority back in His life, death and resurrection, and He invites us to partake of the heavenly calling. (John 14:10,Heb.3:1, 2Cor.5:18-19)
4.       People can now enforce Jesus’ authority.  Jesus fully accomplished the task of breaking Satan’s authority and legal hold upon the human race, someone on earth must represent Him in that victory and enforce it.  (1John3:8, Matt.16:19)                  [3]
When we come alongside others in prayer, we are like a magnifying glass that can direct light to hit the mark.  Is the Holy Spirit in you?  Do you know how powerful the Holy Spirit is—and how destructive to darkness is His sword?  By the grace and mercy of Jesus, you are filled with the very glory and light of God!  Will you utilize your privilege and release it? 
                Sometimes prayer will be work:  Elijah was crouched like a woman in labor.  Sometimes it will require persistence:  Elijah prayed seven times until completion.  ALWAYS prayer requires YOUR availability and willingness.
Read and Pray:  Psalm 85, Colossians 1:9-14

[1] This is a miniscule treatment of the subject of prayer and I strongly encourage you to read and learn more for yourself. 
[2] Moo, Douglass J., James TNTC, (Downers Grove IL, IVPress 1985), p. 187
[3] Sheets, Dutch, Intercessory Prayer (Ventura, CA, Regal Books, 1996)

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