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Monday, December 12, 2011

Galatians 6:7-10

                                             reaping what you sow
                What is the potential deception here?  Could it be the mindset that you will be able to avoid normal consequences of natural actions?  Could it also be the idea that one can violate God’s offer of grace and yet still enjoy it? 
                Paul uses the analogy of sowing seed.  Let’s draw the analogy out a bit.  Suppose your currency for this seed is your time and energy, and the seed selection is broad, so you purchase the seeds from your time and energy investments.  Your planting consists of the actions that result from what you have been thinking about.
Seed     -what kind of seed are you buying and where are you buying it?
What are you dwelling on, and exploring in thought?  Where do you make these mental purchases? (friends, family, internet, movies, music, etc.) And how much do they cost in terms of time, emotional and spiritual health?
Ground Where do you  release the ‘seeds’ /thoughts?  With whom do you
choose to share these thoughts and ideas?  Anyone, anywhere?
Planting How do you plant the seeds?  Do you broadcast them and just
let them land where they will, through posts, jokes, babbling, group interactions, etc. or do you calculate where they will best be received and seek out certain people and places, to put your thoughts into action?
Whatever sort of seeds we sow, we will certainly get more of the same, provided the ground is fertile and receptive. 
Sowing to the flesh we will reap corruption (see Gal.5:19-21):  sexual immorality, faithlessness, disunity with believers, breaks in morals and relationships, and ultimately separation from God. 
Sowing to the Spirit we will reap spiritual fruit (see Gal. 5:22-23): growth, renewal, transformation, unity, and ultimately everlasting life.  
                Have you ever noticed how vigorous weeds can be?  Tenacious burrs and foxtails attach themselves to socks, shoes, animal fur,…  They will find a place to lodge!  Like sin, little effort is required to harvest more. Carrots, lettuce, and corn on the other hand, all need careful planting, watering and cultivation. 
A great risk for the one sowing to the Spirit can be discouragement that may come from diligence required to prepare and plant good seeds in good soil, a lack of observed results, and/or fatigue from “pulling weeds”.           
It is to this potential weariness that Paul speaks the encouragement:   in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart!
Read and Pray:  Matthew 15:18, Romans 2:4-10, 2 Cor. 4:16-18, 1 Cor. 15:57-58 

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