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Monday, December 5, 2011

Galatians 5:13-15

                There is only one thing that is bound up with total freedom in Christ.  Do you know what it is?  Does that one thing permit total self-indulgence?  Why, or why not? 
I have often seen ‘freedom in Christ’ as an excuse for people to do what they want to do anyway.  I have also seen it so narrowly interpreted that those who had this ‘freedom’ appeared to be anything but ‘free’ as they lay their burden of expectations on others.  So what kind of freedom is Paul talking about?  Freedom from civil law?  Cultural law? Religious law? Parental law? Self-imposed law?
“Paul is concerned about the wrong influence of man’s perspective about freedom. To the world (those operating without the divine absolutes of Scripture) freedom means the right to be and do as you please, how you please, when you please, where you please. It means doing your own thing, being your own boss, looking after number one first. The Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary says it means “exemption from necessity in choice and action.” It is the right to any choice so long as it is your own personal choice.”[1]
What are some problems with this point of view _______________________________________
In your own life, in what ways have you used your liberty, (your throwing off of the laws rules and expectations of man), as an opportunity for the flesh? ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________Are you pleased with the results?  Is your conscience clear and free? Have your words and/or actions been good, healthy, and edifying to others? 
Now let’s look at freedom as described by Jesus and the apostles.  If we are set free from the condemnation due us, and set free from fear of the future and fear of man, from a mindset of self-serving, and set free from striving for personal justification and approval, then we are free indeed!  Exploitation of others and moral degeneracy do not result from this kind of freedom.  For in this state of freedom we are able to love well, and to ourselves grow in a good way, whether circumstances are positive or negative, whether men are for us or against us.
This is the liberty to which we are called and it is the liberty which enables us to fulfill the law, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”.  Seriously evaluate your own understanding and exercise of freedom.  Has it served you as an opportunity for your flesh, or has it enabled you to love well?
Read and Pray:  I Corinthians 5:6-13, I Peter, 2:13-16, I Corinthians 9:19-23, Matthew 7:12

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