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Saturday, December 10, 2011

     Galatians 6:6              share all good things
                What do you think it means to “share in all good things with him who teaches”?  ___________________________________________________________
Apparently, in Greek the word for ‘share’ is koinoneito which was a euphemism for “make a financial contribution”.  The pagan priests in New Testament times often received fees for their sacrificial services, but Paul prefers to train his converts in voluntary liberality as distinguished from payments received from performing sacrificial rites.[1]
                The specific injunction of giving money for the Galatians has an underlying principle.  Can you tell what it is?  The body of Christ is to operate each according to their gifts, and those for the benefit of all.  Everyone—both learner and teacher—has  something to contribute!
How do you usually think about the learner-teacher relationship?  Is it a one-way street where the teacher is always the one dispensing and the learner is always receiving?  If it is not just one way, what does the learner dispense toward, or share with the teacher?  Think of the various teachers in your life.  What do they receive as a result of teaching you? _______________________________________________ 
In America, there has been much talk of this upcoming generation as a “generation of entitlement”—a people who believe it is their right to have and receive all the goods they desire.  Does this describe you?  Has this sense of ‘entitlement’ has crept into the Church?  Is it our ‘right’ to worship freely, to have good teaching, a decent facility, and programs that suit us—all with little or no effort and input from us? 
One way to measure your heart in this, is to consider your attitude when the teaching isn’t that great.  Are you annoyed?  Or are you grateful someone took time and energy to prepare something to share with you?  Your words and actions probably reveal your mindset and attitudes toward those who teach:
         you are thankful, grateful, appreciative    vs.    you are nit-picking and/or unresponsive
                  you share money & resources       vs.        money & resources are spent on your own interests
               you invest time and energy to help   vs.    you spend time & energy only on your own interests
To “share all good things” is to acknowledge how incredibly blessed you are and to acknowledge the fact that God often uses people to bless people.  The currency may not always be the monetary, or the same in both directions, but between believers, the street should never be ‘one-way’.  What do you think Paul would say to you, about your relationship with the teachers in your life?
Read and Pray:  2 Corinthians 9:6-8, Ephesians 4:11-16

[1] Arnold, Clinton E. editor, Zondervon Illustrated Bible Commentary, p. 130

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