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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Galatians 5:19-21

                                            flesh at work
                How we walk –each step—mental or physical, sets us on a trajectory in some direction.  At first, the thoughts or actions may seem inconsequential, but imagine that thought or action as the first step on a trail.  The fork in the road is the point of decision:   submit to God and His good pleasure (which is good for you and for others) or to be submitted to you own will and flesh desire (which may feel good, but holds no guarantee of being truly good).
                Think of the “work” of the flesh in terms of physics: "The transfer of energy from one system to another, especially the transfer of energy to a body by the application of a force that moves the body in the direction of the force.  It is calculated as the product of the force and the distance through which the body moves." [1] Here, keep in mind that your flesh is applying a force in your life that can result in a displacement of your peace with God.
                As you read the following definitions, consider how many of them are cultural norms.
Fornication:  voluntary sexual intercourse outside of marriage
Uncleanness:  morally impure, evil, vile thoughts
Lewdness:  that which leads to, or is characterized by, unrestrained sexual desire
                     being obscene or indecent,  as language or songs
Idolatry:  excessive or blind reverence and devotion to any created object, [or person]
Sorcery:  the art, practices, or spells of a person trying to exercise supernatural power
Hatred:  intense dislike, extreme aversion, or hostility (different from “to love less” use in Luke 14:26)
Contentions:  striving in rivalry, competition, dispute, controversy
Jealousies: resentment against rivals, or another’s success, mental uneasiness from
   suspicion, fear of unfaithfulness or rivalry
Outbursts of wrath:  fierce anger, deeply resentful indignation
Selfish ambitions:  earnest desire for distinction for oneself (power, fame, wealth, honor,…)
Dissentions:  strong disagreement, quarrel, discord
Heresies:  opinions and doctrines strongly at odds with the pure gospel
Envy:  discontent over, or coveting of, the advantages, success, possessions of another
Murders:  deliberate and premeditated killing of other people
Drunkenness:  given to, or marked by, intoxication
Revelries:  unrestrained, rough, noisy festivities

Some of the things listed here are quite ‘normal’ in our society.  How can you avoid buying into their ‘normalcy’?  What are the implications for a person who chooses to practice any of the things on this list?  __________________________________________________________
Read and Pray:  Ephesians 5:1-7, Psalm 52, Romans 14:16-19, Proverbs 22:3, & 28:13

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