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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Galatians 4:16-20

            The relationship and trust which exist as a result of the gospel being preached and received will undergo tests.  Here, the test comes in the form of temptation toward religiosity versus truth.  The Judiazers are emphasizing a “need” for Jewish rites in order to be “complete” in the faith of Jesus.  Apparently Judiazers were setting themselves apart by appearing and presenting themselves as “holier”.  They were making compliance with Old Testament cultural rites a prerequisite for fellowship.  The tactic seemed to be working with the Galatians. These religious guys were looking like they had a ‘special connection’ with God.
            We may see this as remote from ourselves, or silly of the Galatians to be taken in by the sham.  But think about how you feel when a group of people seem to have, or be, what you have longed for. 
            In the case of the Galatians, it probably began with a good, pure desire to grow in maturity of faith and relationship with God.  These teachers probably seemed to be the experts.  Surely they wouldn’t be wrong!  And their technique of being just a bit out of reach made their exclusive status all the more desirable.
            This technique can be seen in use all the time.  Think of commercials:  both ‘Christian’ and secular promotions love to use the word “exclusive” referring to something positive and desirable.  It is only for certain people, so you better jump to it if you don’t want to be left out!  On an emotional level, each person wants to be special and that exclusivity becomes desirable.  Once that status is achieved, rarely does one want to give it up.
            But Truth comes along and crashes that old “exclusive” party.  Truth seems to shout, “Yes, be zealous!  Be radical!  Be counter-culture! But be it all for the sake of the pure gospel!  And remember—not all will receive it, but ALL are welcome!”  There is absolutely nothing that we have that we did not receive from God, so why not extend that wonderful grace without being exclusive?  List some practical ways you can—without being exclusive--extend God’s love by extending the invitation to a deeper walk with Him,:
In friendship ____________________________________________________
In fellowship ____________________________________________________
In knowledge ___________________________________________________
In ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
Read and Pray:    Malachi 2:10, Luke 10:16, James 1:17, Colossians 2:6-10

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