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Friday, September 21, 2012

Following through on the ‘follow through’
                Today I would like to encourage you to take some time to apply yesterday’s devotion. 
1.        Spend a few minutes in prayer for one or more of the people in your life.
2.       Find some scriptures that could be an encouragement to them at this time.
3.       Do something practical and tangible to help encourage and strengthen their faith:  write a note, send a message, make a phone call, go out for coffee…

It is also important to remember that with modern technology, our sphere of influence can even span an ocean!  We have brothers and sisters in Christ who are serving Him overseas doing all sorts of things:  Bible translation, church planting, community development, and appropriate technologies among other things.  Do you know any missionaries?  If so, why not send them a note or message –you can express interest in their work, and ask questions, but remember, even just sharing what God is doing in your own life will be an encouragement to them.
        Especially dear to God’s priorities are the poor and oppressed.  In our rich society, how can we really make a difference and be obedient in serving them?  There are a number of organizations that make this quite easy, but we still have to make the effort to utilize the opportunity.   Through Voice of the Martyrs, you can bring encouragement to those who are suffering greatly because of their faith.  And though they have physical needs, their greatest request is prayer.  We can do that much can’t we?
        Please take a few moments to pray for those who are being persecuted for Christ.  You may access more information, and you may write a letter to a prisoner through this link:
        We have so many blessings, and so much freedom, let us not waste it!  May your day be blessed with being a blessing!
Read and Pray:   Genesis 12:2, Psalm 103, Luke 4:18, Romans 12:4-17

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