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Sunday, September 16, 2012

1 Thessalonians 3:1-5

                                           follow through
Here, Timothy is sent from Paul to establish and strengthen the Thessalonians.  Paul’s sincere and devoted care for those who converted to Christianity after his preaching out-weighed his desire for his own comfort.
 In our ‘me-centered’ culture, sacrifice for the sake of growth in other people is the exception rather than the rule.  We tend to be more “hands-off”—especially if getting involved will mean discomfort for ourselves.  We may toss a few tid-bits of wisdom someone’s way, but often we choose not to go too deeply or get too involved.
 Look at Paul’s priorities:  He did not want to see dear friends unsettled by the smooth-talking of those who would have them abandon their faith, nor did he want them shaken by the afflictions accompanying a sincere walk with God. 
Is the faith of my friends a high priority?  If so, how can I encourage and help to establish them in the truth?  If I am taking a “hands-off” approach to their faith, it will most likely seem to them that how they walk with God is of little importance.  On the other hand, look at the words Paul uses, and note how these might be blessings:
1.        Establish – to set fast, turn resolutely in a certain direction, to confirm, to strengthen –this is what he wants for his friends—he cares!
2.        Encourage – to call near, invite, invoke, beseech, call for, comfort, exhort, entreat, pray—this is what he wants for his friends—he cares!
How can I, how should I, come along side those who may be experiencing some affliction or trial?  Regardless of the mode of communication, I will need to be willing to go past the light, fun chit-chat and into the thoughts and concerns of their heart which need to be met with Truth.  Truth will help establish solid relationship with God and will bring lasting encouragement.  Like Paul, I may have to experience some discomfort for the sake of the comfort, encouragement and growth of others.
The ‘one-time conversion experience’ is not enough to sustain a person through trials and difficulties of life. Christian life is not about trying to avoid all trials, but it is about learning how to walk with God through the trials. There must be a growth in knowledge and wisdom, and an increase in the understanding of God’s love, in order to ‘abide in Christ’.  One beauty of the body of believers is that walking together, we are able to share encouragement, support, and help in times of need. 
Who, specifically, might you reach out to for their strengthening and establishing in the faith?  Pray about this.  Observe those in your life.  Listen to them, listen to God.  Then follow through on what you know.   Go forth with the truth in love!  It can be a letter, a phone call, going out for coffee, or going to someone’s house.  Just be practical, be real, and be on time.  Now is the time to follow through!
Read and Pray: Luke 22:32, 1 Peter 5:10, 2 Corinthians 5:20,Revelation 3:1-6

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