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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Acts 8:1-5

What was happening back in New Testament times is not terribly different from what is still happening in some parts of the world today.  Here in the United States we can easily forget that real persecution happens each day because of faith.  And like Saul, certain powers may exert influence and try to stamp out faith in Jesus, yet for all their stamping, they simply spread embers upon dry ground. 
The following is an excerpt from a Voice of the Martyrs update:
Chinese Pastor Zhang Rongliang, reports that the seven years and six months he spent in prison were a fruitful time of ministry.  “I am happy that you and others tried to arrange for my release, but in one way, I am happy that you failed.  You almost made a big mistake.  If you had been successful, there would be no church in that prison today.”
                Chinese Christians are not allowed to visit prisons or start prison outreach ministries, so Zhang ministered to everyone he could while in prison—prisoners, prison guards and officials he could never have met outside prison.  Over 5,000 men lived in prison with Zhang, and many of them were able to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.
                Zhang, a founder of one of china’s largest churches with over ten million members, has endured constant persecution for his ministry in China.  Zhang has been imprisoned five times and spent about a fourth of his life in prison.  “These new converts were the only way that I could forget the suffering I was going through in prison.”[1]
            The type of persecution you or I may be faced with is unlikely to match that of Pastor Zhang.  However, our responses can all be unified by pursuing the common goal of knowing God and making Him known.  Instead of stewing over, or focusing on the hardship, may we learn to focus on the good things God is doing in us, through us, and in and through others.
            Being thrust out of, or into new circumstances may in reality be the presentation of new opportunities to share the gospel. Yes, there will be some suffering, (that is part of living anyway!)  What matters most is the One who most loves and desires goodness and truth for all people.  Let us not forget  what a privilege it is to walk in, and share that truth.
Read and Pray:  John 15:18-21, Matthew 13:18-23, 2 Timothy 3:12

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